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1. Trimble是什么意思的意思:Trimble是一个英文单词,意为“修剪”、“修整”、“削减”、“调整”。它可以作为动词或名词使用,常用于描述对物体、情况或信息进行改变、调整或精简的行为。

2. 怎么读(音标):['trɪmbəl]


3. 用法:


- The gardener trimmed the bushes into beautiful shapes. (园丁把灌木修剪成美丽的形状。)

- She trimmed her hair to get rid of the split ends. (她修剪头发以去除分叉的末端。)

- The company is planning to trim its workforce by 10%. (公司计划裁减10%的员工。)


- The surveyor used a Trimble to map out the land accurately. (测量员使用了一台Trimble来精确绘制地图。)

- The construction team relied on Trimble technology for precise positioning of building materials. (施工队依靠Trimble技术来精确定位建筑材料。)

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

(1)The tailor trimmed the dress to fit the customer's body perfectly. (裁缝把裙子修剪得完美贴合顾客的身材。)

(2)The company decided to trim its budget in order to save costs. (公司决定削减预算以节省成本。)

(3)The barber asked the customer how he wanted his beard trimmed. (理发师询问顾客想要如何修剪胡须。)

(4)The Trimble device uses GPS technology to accurately measure and map out locations. (Trimble设备利用GPS技术来精确测量和绘制地点。)

(5)After trimming the hedges, the garden looked much neater and tidier. (修剪了树篱后,花园看起来整洁多了。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- Prune:意为“修剪”、“删减”,常用于描述对树木、植物或信息进行精简或删除的行为。

- Cut:意为“切”、“割”,可用于描述对物体进行切断、分离或改变形状的行为。

- Adjust:意为“调整”、“改变”,常用于描述对情况、计划或信息进行微调或改变的行为。

6. 编辑总结:



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