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1. tramples作为及物动词,后面可以接名词或代词作宾语。:

- The elephant trampled the flowers in the garden.


- She trampled on his dreams and broke his heart.


2. tramples也可以作为不及物动词使用,表示“践踏着移动”。:

- The soldiers trampled through the muddy field.


- The crowd trampled over each other to get closer to the stage.


3. 过去式和过去分词形式为trampled,现在分词形式为trampling。


1. The protesters trampled on the flag and set it on fire.


2. The children trampled all over the freshly planted flowers.


3. The hunter trampled through the forest, trying to catch his prey.


4. The football fans were so excited that they trampled over the barriers and rushed onto the field.


5. The CEO's ruthless actions have trampled on the rights of his employees.



1. tread:指用脚步走或行走,也可以指轻轻地跨过某物。

- She carefully treaded through the muddy path.


2. crush:指用力压碎或压扁某物。

- He accidentally crushed his phone under his foot.


3. stomp:指重重地跺脚或踩踏。

- He angrily stomped out of the room.


4. tramp:指沉重地步行或跋涉。

- The hikers tramped through the mountains for days.


5. stamp:指用力地踩或敲打,也可以指盖章。

- He stamped his feet to keep warm in the cold weather.





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