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This season DKNY is maintaining the style that place o


This season DKNY is maintaining the style that place o

发音:[ðɪs ˈsiːzən DKNY ɪz meɪnˈteɪnɪŋ ðə staɪl ðæt pleɪs oʊ]



1. This season, DKNY is maintaining the style that place o by incorporating bold colors and sleek silhouettes into their collection.(这个季节,DKNY通过将大胆的色彩和流线型的剪裁融入到他们的系列中来保持了其独特的风格。)

2. The new DKNY collection is a perfect representation of this season's fashion trends, while still maintaining the style that place o.(全新的DKNY系列完美地展现了本季的时尚趋势,同时仍然保持了其独特的风格。)

3. DKNY's latest campaign perfectly captures the essence of their brand, maintaining the style that place o while also pushing boundaries with innovative designs.(DKNY最新的宣传活动完美地捕捉到了他们品牌的精髓,保持了其独特的风格,同时通过创新设计推动着时尚界的。)

4. The fashion industry is always changing, but DKNY remains true to their roots by maintaining the style that place o in every collection.(时尚界一直在变化,但是DKNY通过在每个系列中保持其独特的风格,始终忠于自己的初衷。)

5. This season, DKNY is staying true to their brand identity by maintaining the style that place o and incorporating it into their new designs.(这个季节,DKNY通过保持其独特的风格,并将其融入到新设计中,忠实地展现了他们品牌的身份。)


1. Maintain: keep, preserve, uphold

2. Style: fashion, trend, design

3. Place o: signature, hallmark, trademark



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