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think of是什么意思

一:think of是什么意思的意思

think of是一个动词短语,意为“想起;考虑;认为;想到”。它可以表示思考某件事情,也可以表示对某人或某物产生感情。


[θɪŋk ɒv]

think of是什么意思


1. 表示思考某件事情

:I can't think of a good way to solve this problem.(我想不出解决这个问题的好办法。)

2. 表示对某人或某物产生感情

:She thinks highly of her new boss.(她对她的新老板评价很高。)


1. I often think of my childhood when I see these old photos.


2. Have you ever thought of starting your own business?


3. She couldn't help but think of her ex-boyfriend when she saw the movie they used to watch together.


4. He thinks highly of his daughter's talent in music.


5. What do you think of this new restaurant? Shall we give it a try?



1. consider:意为“考虑;认为”,常用于正式场合。

:I am considering buying a new car.(我正在考虑买一辆新车。)

2. ponder:意为“仔细思考;沉思”,侧重于深入思考。

:She sat in the garden, pondering her next move.(她坐在花园里,仔细思考下一步该怎么做。)

3. contemplate:意为“沉思;注视”,强调长时间的深入思考。

:She sat on the beach, contemplating the meaning of life.(她坐在海滩上,沉思人生的意义。)


think of是一个常用的动词短语,表示“想起;考虑;认为;想到”。它可以表示思考某件事情,也可以表示对某人或某物产生感情。除了常见的用法外,还可以与其他动词搭配使用,如think of doing sth(想要做某事)、think of sb/sth as(把某人/某物看作是)等。同时,它还有一些近义词,如consider、ponder、contemplate等,需要根据具体语境选择合适的词语来表达自己的意思。


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