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They could get a lot of new thing from the trevalers.A


They could get a lot of new thing from the trevalers.A

They could get a lot of new things from the travelers means that the travelers have brought a lot of new and interesting things for them to learn or experience.


/ðeɪ kʊd ɡet ə lɒt ɒv njuː θɪŋ frɒm ðə ˈtrævələrz/


This phrase is usually used to describe the benefits or advantages that someone can gain from interacting with travelers. It can also be used in a more literal sense, such as when someone receives physical objects or knowledge from travelers.


1. They could get a lot of new things from the travelers who came to their village, such as exotic spices and handmade crafts.


2. The students could get a lot of new things from the travelers who visited their school, like stories about different cultures and traditions.


3. The villagers were excited to meet the travelers because they knew they could get a lot of new things from them.


4. The children were eager to talk to the travelers because they knew they could get a lot of new things from them, like toys and games.


5. The local market was bustling with activity as the travelers arrived, with everyone hoping to get a lot of new things from them.



1. They could gain a lot of new knowledge from the travelers.

2. They could acquire a lot of new information from the travelers.

3. They could learn a lot of new things from the travelers.


This phrase emphasizes the idea that interacting with travelers can bring about new and valuable experiences or items. It can be used in various contexts, such as when describing cultural exchange or simply receiving physical objects from visitors. Synonyms for "get" such as "gain," "acquire," and "learn" can also be used to convey a similar meaning. Overall, this phrase highlights the positive impact of interacting with travelers and encourages people to embrace new opportunities for learning and growth.


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