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There she is.是什么意思

一:There she is.是什么意思的意思

There she is.是一个英语句子,意思是“她在那里”。其中there为副词,表示“那里”,she为主语,is为be动词的第三人称单数形式。


There [ðeə(r)]

There she is.是什么意思

she [ʃiː]

is [ɪz]


“There she is.”通常用作口语中的问候语或者某人时的惊叹语。可以用来表示某人已经出现或者被了。常见搭配有here, there等地点词。


1. There she is! I've been looking for her everywhere. 她在那里!我到处都找过她。

2. Oh, there she is! I almost didn't recognize her with her new haircut. 哦,她在那里!我差点没认出她新剪的头发。

3. Look, there she is! Let's go say hi to her. 看,她在那里!我们去跟她打个招呼吧。

4. Wait, there she is! We can't leave without saying goodbye to her. 等一下,她在那里!我们不能不跟她道别就走。

5. I was walking down the street when suddenly, there she was – my old high school friend whom I hadn't seen in years. 我正走在街上,突然,她出现了 - 我多年没见的高中老同学。


1. Here she is. 这里是她。

2. Look, there she goes. 看,她走了。

3. Oh, there she goes again, always late for everything. 哦,她又走了,什么事都迟到。

4. There she stands, waiting for her turn to speak. 她站在那里,等待轮到她说话。

5. There she was, sitting alone in the corner of the room. 她坐在那里,独自一人坐在房间的角落。


“There she is.”是一个常用的英语句子,用作问候语或者惊叹语。它可以表示某人已经出现或者被了。除了原本的意思外,还可以根据语境进行灵活运用。需要注意的是,在使用时要注意搭配地点词来表达具体的含义。


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