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the whole story是什么意思

意思:the whole story是指完整的故事或全部的情况,通常指一个或情况的所有细节和背景信息。

怎么读:ðə həʊl ˈstɔːri

用法:作为一个短语,the whole story通常用来表示想要了解某个或情况的全部细节。它也可以用来强调某件事情的重要性,表明不仅仅是表面上看到的那些。

the whole story是什么意思


1. I only heard part of the story, can you tell me the whole story?


2. You can't judge someone without knowing the whole story.


3. She finally told me the whole story about her divorce.


4. The reporters were determined to uncover the whole story behind the scandal.


5. We need to get the whole story before making a decision.


同义词及用法:the full story, the complete story, all the details, all the facts

编辑总结:the whole story是一个常用的短语,它强调了解某件事情的全部细节和背景信息的重要性。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个短语来询问或强调某件事情的完整性。它还可以与其他同义词替换使用,但都表达了类似的意思。


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