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The PKI (Public Key lnfrastructure) CA (Certificate Au

The PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) CA (Certificate Authority) is a technology used for secure communication over a network. It is responsible for issuing and managing digital certificates, which are used to verify the identity of users and devices on the network.

How to pronounce: /ði ˈpiːkeɪaɪ/ /siːeɪ/ (/də/ /pʌblɪk/ /kiː/ /ɪnfrəstrʌktʃər/) (/siːeɪ/) (/siːˈteɪ ər/) (/ɔːθɒrəti/)

Usage: The PKI CA is an essential component of any secure network. It provides a trusted third party to issue digital certificates and manage the authentication process.

The PKI (Public Key lnfrastructure) CA (Certificate Au

Example sentences:

1. The PKI CA ensures secure communication between two parties by issuing digital certificates that verify their identities.

(PKI CA通过发放数字证书来验证两方的身份,从而确保安全通信。)

2. Without the PKI CA, sensitive information transmitted over a network would be vulnerable to interception by unauthorized parties.

(如果没有PKI CA,通过网络传输的敏感信息将容易被未经授权的第三方截取。)

3. The PKI CA plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of data exchanged over a network.

(PKI CA在维护网络数据的完整性和保密性方面起着至关重要的作用。)

4. Digital signatures issued by the PKI CA provide non-repudiation, ensuring that a message cannot be denied by the sender.

(PKI CA发放的数字签名提供了不可否认性,确保发件人无法否认消息。)

5. The PKI CA uses a hierarchical trust model, where a root CA issues certificates to intermediate CAs, which in turn issue certificates to end entities.

(PKI CA采用分层信任模型,根CA发放证书给中间CA,中间CA再发放证书给终端实体。)

Synonyms and usage: Other terms that are often used interchangeably with PKI CA include Certificate Authority (CA), Certification Authority (CA), and Trusted Third Party (TTP).

Editor's summary: The PKI CA is an essential component of any secure network, responsible for issuing and managing digital certificates. Its role is to verify the identity of users and devices on the network, ensuring secure communication and maintaining the integrity of data exchanged. Other terms that can be used interchangeably with PKI CA include Certificate Authority (CA) and Trusted Third Party (TTP).


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