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1. flocking是指群集、聚集的意思。在词典中,flocking通常作为名词使用,表示一群或一伙人或动物聚集在一起的行为或状态。

2. 例句:The birds were seen flocking together in the sky. (这些鸟儿被看到在天空中聚集在一起。)

3. 读音:英 [ˈflɒkɪŋ] 美 [ˈflɑːkɪŋ]

4. 用例:

(1) The tourists were flocking to the beach for the summer vacation. (游客们纷纷来到海滩度过暑假。)

(2) People were flocking to the concert venue to see their favorite singer perform live. (人们纷纷来到音乐会场地观看他们最喜欢的歌手现场表演。)

(3) The sheep were seen flocking to the barn for shelter from the storm. (这些羊被看到聚集在谷仓里躲避暴风雨。)

(4) The fans were flocking to the stadium to support their team in the championship game. (球迷们纷纷来到体育场为他们的球队加油助威参加冠赛。)

(5) The children were seen flocking around the ice cream truck for a cold treat on a hot day. (孩子们被看到围着冰淇淋车为了在炎热的天气里享受一份冰冷的甜点。)

5. 组词:flocking behavior (聚集行为), flocking instinct (群集本能), flocking pattern (聚集模式), flocking together (聚集在一起), flocking birds (群集的鸟类)

6. 中英文对照:


1. flocking is the act of gathering or coming together in a group. In dictionaries, flocking is often used as a noun, meaning the behavior or state of a group or animals gathering together.

2. Example sentence: The birds were seen flocking together in the sky.

3. Pronunciation: 英 [ˈflɒkɪŋ] 美 [ˈflɑːkɪŋ]

4. Usage:

(1) The tourists were flocking to the beach for the summer vacation.

(2) People were flocking to the concert venue to see their favorite singer perform live.

(3) The sheep were seen flocking to the barn for shelter from the storm.

(4) The fans were flocking to the stadium to support their team in the championship game.

(5) The children were seen flocking around the ice cream truck for a cold treat on a hot day.

5. Related words: flocking behavior, flocking instinct, flocking pattern, flocking together, flocking birds

6. Summary:

Flocking refers to the act of gathering or coming together in a group and is often used as a noun in dictionaries. It can be used to describe both human and animal behavior and is commonly associated with movements or actions that involve a large number of individuals. Flocking is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, from describing the behavior of birds to the actions of people. Its usage is not limited to any particular field or subject, making it a useful term to know and understand.


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