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The contract是什么意思

一:The contract是什么意思的意思

The contract是什么意思

The contract是指双方或多方之间达成的协议或协定,其中包含了双方或多方的权利和义务,通常用于规范双方或多方之间的交易、合作、服务等关系。


The contract[ðə ˈkɒntrækt]


1. The contract可以作为名词使用,表示一份正式的协议或合同。:We need to sign the contract before we can start working together.(我们需要在开始合作前签署这份合同。)

2. The contract也可以作为动词使用,表示达成协议或签订合同。:They have contracted to provide us with the necessary materials.(他们已经达成协议向我们提供必要的材料。)


1. We have finally reached an agreement and signed the contract for our business partnership.(我们终于达成了一项协议并签署了我们的商业伙伴关系合同。)

2. The terms and conditions of the contract are clearly stated and must be followed by both parties.(合同条款明确规定,双方必须遵守。)

3. The lawyer reviewed the contract and advised us on any potential legal issues before we signed it.(律师审查了合同,并在我们签署之前就潜在的法律问题提出了建议。)

4. The contract specifies the duration of the agreement and the responsibilities of each party involved.(合同规定了协议的持续时间以及每个参与方的责任。)

5. The company has breached the contract by failing to deliver the goods on time.(公司未能按时交付货物,违反了合同。)


1. Agreement:指双方或多方之间达成的一致意见,并可以作为名词使用。:They have reached an agreement on the terms of their cooperation.(他们就合作条款达成了一致意见。)

2. Pact:指双方或多方之间达成的正式协议,并可以作为名词使用。:The two countries signed a pact to strengthen their economic ties.(两国签署了一项协议,加强经济。)

3. Deal:指双方或多方之间达成的交易,通常用于商业领域,并可以作为名词使用。:They have made a deal to sell their products in our country.(他们已经达成了一项交易,在我们销售他们的产品。)


The contract是指双方或多方之间达成的协议或协定,其中包含了双方或多方的权利和义务,通常用于规范双方或多方之间的交易、合作、服务等关系。它既可以作为名词使用,表示一份正式的协议或合同,也可以作为动词使用,表示达成协议或签订合同。同义词包括agreement、pact和deal,它们都指双方或多方之间达成的协议或交易。在使用The contract时,需要注意遵守合同条款并及时履行义务,以避免违反合同导致的法律纠纷。


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