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the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to p


the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to p

The act of deliberately ending the life of an animal or person with the purpose of obtaining a desired outcome.


[thē akt əv kil-ing (ən ˈanəməl ˈôr ˈpərsən) in ˈôrdər tu p]


The phrase "the act of killing" is often used to describe the intentional ending of a life, whether it be an animal or a person. It can also refer to the process or method used to end a life, such as hunting, euthanasia, or murder.

Example Sentences:

1. The act of killing animals for food has been a part of human survival for centuries.


2. The act of killing someone in self-defense is considered justifiable by law.


3. The documentary explores the psychological effects on soldiers who have committed the act of killing in war.


4. The hunter's rifle was his weapon of choice for the act of killing animals in the wild.


5. The serial killer was sentenced to life in prison for his heinous acts of killing innocent victims.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Slaughter: the act of killing animals for food or other purposes.

2. Execution: the act of killing someone as a punishment or sentence.

3. Assassination: the act of killing someone, usually a prominent figure, for political or ideological reasons.

4. Euthanasia: the act of ending a person's life painlessly in order to relieve suffering.

5. Homicide: the act of killing another person, whether intentional or accidental.

Editor's Summary:

The phrase "the act of killing" is a powerful and often controversial concept that has been used throughout history in various contexts. It can refer to both animal and human life, and can have different connotations depending on the situation. While it may be necessary for survival in some cases, it is also often associated with violence and crime. As an editor, it is important to carefully consider the usage and implications of this phrase when translating it into different languages or contexts.


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