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1. 作为名词时,term常用于以下几种情况:

a. 表示某个特定领域中使用的专门术语或专业术语。

- The term "global warming" refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average temperature.


- In medical terms, a stroke is known as a cerebrovascular accident.


b. 表示学校、大学等的学习阶段。

- My sister is in her final term at university.


- The school offers three terms per year: fall, spring, and summer.


c. 表示协议、合同或法律文件中的条款。

- The terms of the agreement were not favorable for us.


- According to the terms of the contract, you are required to work 40 hours per week.


d. 表示某事物的期限。

- We have agreed to meet again in six months' time, as per the terms of our contract.


2. 作为动词时,term常用于以下几种情况:

a. 表示给某事物起一个名称或定义。

- The new theory was termed "string theory".


- The term "millennial" is used to describe people born between 1981 and 1996.


b. 表示把某事物归类为某一类别。

- The company terms all its employees as either full-time or part-time workers.



1. In scientific terms, a hypothesis is an educated guess that can be tested and proven.


2. The term "fake news" has become popular in recent years with the rise of social media.


3. The company offers flexible payment terms for its customers.


4. In legal terms, the accused is innocent until proven guilty.


5. The professor termed the new discovery as groundbreaking.



1. synonym:definition、expression

- The definition of "love" varies from person to person.


- The expression "I love you" can have different meanings depending on the context.


2. synonym:semester、quarter

- I am taking four classes this semester, including one online course.


- My brother is studying abroad for a quarter and will come back next semester.


3. synonym:clause、provision

- According to the clause in our contract, we are not allowed to disclose any confidential information to third parties.


- The new law includes a provision that protects the rights of workers.


4. synonym:deadline、due date

- The deadline for submitting the project is next Friday.


- All assignments must be turned in by the due date to receive full credit.


5. synonym:term、designation

- The term "millennial" is often used to describe young adults born between 1981 and 1996.


- The designation "CEO" stands for Chief Executive Officer.





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