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1. figure是什么意思?

figure作为名词,有两种主要的意思:一是指“图形、图表”,常用于学术或科技领域,如“The figure shows the relationship between two variables.”(这张图表显示了两个变量之间的关系。)二是指“人物、身影”,常用于文学或艺术领域,如“The figures in the painting are vivid and lifelike.”(画中的人物栩栩如生。)

2. figure是什么意思?

figure作为动词,有多种意思:一是指“估计、计算”,常用于商业或财务领域,如“We need to figure out the budget for next year.”(我们需要计算出明年的预算。)二是指“认为、想象”,常用于口语中,如“I figured you wouldn't be able to come.”(我想你应该来不了。)三是指“出现、被认为”,常用于新闻报道中,如“The candidate figured prominently in the election.”(这位候选人在中占据重要地位。)

3. figure的读音读法

figure的读音为 ['fɪɡər],其中重音在第一个音节上。

4. figure是什么意思?


1) The figures on the graph indicate a sharp increase in sales.


2) The figure in the distance seemed to be waving at us.


3) The historical figures depicted in this novel are all based on real people.


4) The figure of the ballerina was graceful and elegant.


5) The company's annual report includes a breakdown of financial figures.



1) We need to figure out a way to reduce costs without sacrificing quality.


2) I figured it would be best to leave early to avoid traffic.


3) The politician figured that he would win the election easily.


4) The missing painting figures prominently in the investigation.


5. figure是什么意思?


- figure out 想出、计算出

- figure on 指望、依靠

- significant figure 有效数字

- public figure 公众人物

- figurative language 比喻语言

6. figure是什么意思?



figure作为名词时,可以指图形、图表或人物;作为动词时,可以指计算、认为或出现。它的读音为 ['fɪɡər],重音在第一个音节上。figure常见的组词有:figure out、figure on、significant figure、public figure和figurative language。无论是作为名词还是动词,figure都具有多义性,在不同场景下能够灵活使用。


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