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1.flagstaff是指旗杆或者旗帜的支撑物。:The flagstaff was erected in the town square for the Independence Day parade.(旗杆在市中心竖立起来,为独立日做准备。)

2.flagstaff也可以指代一个城市的名字,位于美国亚利桑那州北部的小镇就叫做Flagstaff。:I went to Flagstaff last summer and fell in love with its beautiful scenery.(我去年夏天去了Flagstaff,爱上了它美丽的风景。)

3.flagstaff也可以作为动词使用,意思是在某处竖立旗杆或旗帜。:The soldiers were ordered to flagstaff their country's flag on of the mountain.(士们被命令在山顶竖立他们的。)



① The flagstaff was damaged by strong winds during the storm.


② The town council decided to replace the old flagstaff in the park with a new one.


③ The sailors raised the flag on the ship's flagstaff as they entered the harbor.


④ The flagstaff is a symbol of the country's independence and freedom.


⑤ The school children were taught how to properly raise and lower the flag on the flagstaff.




flagstaff 旗杆/旗帜支撑物

erected 竖立

Independence Day parade 独立日

scenery 风景

soldiers 士们

country's flag 的

mountain 山顶/山顶上

damaged 被损坏的

town council 镇议会

replace 取代

sailors 水手们

harbor 港口

symbol 象征

independence 独立/自由

freedom 自由/自由权利

properly 正确地/恰当地

lower 降下

school children 学校里的孩子们

taught 被教导

raise 升起

flagpole 旗杆

flagbearer 旗手

flag-waving 挥舞旗帜的

flagship 首领船

flagrant 公然的




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