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1.gambol是指嬉戏或欢跳,通常形容小动物或孩子的活泼玩耍。:The lambs were gamboling in the meadow.(小羊羔在草地上嬉戏。)

2.gambol也可以指跳跃或蹦跳,通常形容人类的活动。:The dancers were gamboling on the stage.(舞者们在舞台上跳跃。)

3.gambol也可以指轻快的行走,通常形容动物的步伐。:The deer was gamboling through the forest.(鹿在森林中轻快地行走。)

4.gambol也可以用作名词,表示嬉戏或欢跳的行为。:The children's gambols filled the playground with laughter.(孩子们的嬉戏让操场充满了笑声。)


gambol的读音为 /ˈɡæmbəl/,重音在第一个音节上。


1. The puppies were gamboling in the backyard.


2. The children were gamboling around the playground, chasing each other.


3. The dolphins were gamboling in the waves, leaping out of the water.


4. The lambs were gamboling in the meadow, enjoying the warm spring sun.


5. The little girl was gamboling around her room, pretending to be a fairy.



1. gambolous (形容词):嬉戏的,欢跳的

2. gamboler (名词):嬉戏者,欢跳者

3. gambolingly (副词):轻快地,欢跳地

4. ungambol (动词):停止嬉戏

5. gambolling (动词现在分词):嬉戏着,欢跳着


1.gambol是指嬉戏或欢跳。The lambs were gamboling in the meadow.(小羊羔在草地上嬉戏。)

2.gambol也可以指跳跃或蹦跳。The dancers were gamboling on the stage.(舞者们在舞台上跳跃。)

3.gambol也可以指轻快的行走。The deer was gamboling through the forest.(鹿在森林中轻快地行走。)

4.gambol也可以用作名词,表示嬉戏或欢跳的行为。The children's gambols filled the playground with laughter.(孩子们的嬉戏让操场充满了笑声。)


1.gambol是指嬉戏或欢跳。The lambs were gamboling in the meadow.(小羊羔在草地上嬉戏。)

2.gambol也可以指跳跃或蹦跳。The dancers were gamboling on the stage.(舞者们在舞台上跳跃。)

3.gambol也可以指轻快的行走。The deer was gamboling through the forest.(鹿在森林中轻快地行走。)

4.gambol也可以用作名词,表示嬉戏或欢跳的行为。The children's gambols filled the playground with laughter.(孩子们的嬉戏让操场充满了笑声。)



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