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1,forward是一个英文单词,作为名词时,它的意思是“前进;向前”,作为动词时,它的意思是“推进;促进”。:The team moved forward to the next round of the competition.(这支队伍向前迈进了比赛的下一轮。)The company is looking for ways to forward its growth.(公司正在寻找推动其增长的方法。)



1)We need to keep moving forward in our efforts to protect the environment.(我们需要继续努力保护环境。)

2)The forward of the team scored two goals in the game.(这支队伍的前锋在比赛中打入了两个球。)

3)The car suddenly sped, and then moved forward again.(汽车突然停下来,然后又向前移动。)

4)She took a step forward and stood in front of the crowd.(她向前迈了一步,站在人群前面。)

5)The country is making great strides forward in economic development.(该国在经济发展方面取得了巨大进步。)


1)We should find ways to forward our friendship with other countries.(我们应该找到方法来促进与其他的友谊。)

2)He forwarded my email to all his colleagues.(他把我的邮件转发给了所有的同事。)

3)The company is forwarding the research and development of new products.(公司正在推进新产品的研发。)

4)She forwarded the message to her boss immediately.(她立即把这条消息转发给了她的老板。)

5)The government is taking measures to forward the country's economic growth.(正在采取措施来促进的经济增长。)

4.forward的相关词汇有:forwarder(n. 转发者),forwarding address(转发),forward-looking(adj. 向前看的,有远见的),forward-thinking(adj. 前瞻性的,有远见的),move forward(向前移动),push forward(向前推进),look forward to(期待,盼望)等。

5.forward和中文“向前”、“前进”等意思相近,但是它还可以表示“推动”,“促进”的含义。:The company is looking for ways to move its business forward. (公司正在寻找推动业务发展的方法。)



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