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stream line是什么意思

一:stream line是什么意思的意思

stream line是一个英文单词,可以作名词或动词,其基本意思是指“流线”或“流线型”。作为名词时,它指的是物体表面上的光滑曲线,通常用来减少阻力或提高速度;作为动词时,它指的是使物体具有流线型。

stream line是什么意思


stream line的读音为/striːm laɪn/。


1. 作名词时:

a. 指物体表面上的光滑曲线:The car's stream line design helps to reduce air resistance and increase speed.


b. 指某种发展趋势或方向:The company is moving towards a more stream line approach to management.


2. 作动词时:

a. 指使物体具有流线型:The engineers are working to stream line the design of the new airplane.


b. 指使某个过程更加高效、简洁:We need to stream line our production process in order to reduce costs.



1. The company is stream lining its operations to increase efficiency and reduce costs.


2. The new train has a sleek stream line design, allowing it to reach higher speeds.


3. The fashion designer incorporated stream line elements into his latest collection, giving it a modern and futuristic feel.


4. The company's new CEO is determined to stream line the organization's structure for better decision-making.


5. The government has implemented measures to stream line the immigration process, making it easier for foreign workers to obtain visas.



1. streamline:作动词时意为“使某物具有流线型”,也可指简化或优化某个过程。

2. aerodynamic:作形容词时意为“空气动力学的”,也可指具有流线型的。

3. sleek:作形容词时意为“光滑的”,也可指具有流线型的。

4. efficient:作形容词时意为“高效的”,也可指简洁高效的。

5. optimize:作动词时意为“优化”,也可指使某个过程或更加高效。


stream line是一个常用的英文单词,既可以作名词也可以作动词,其基本意思是指“流线”或“流线型”。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来形容物体表面的光滑曲线,也可以用来指某种发展趋势或方向。作为动词时,stream line还可以表示简化、优化某个过程或。同义词包括streamline、aerodynamic、sleek、efficient和optimize等。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解并正确使用这个单词。


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