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1.forwarder是指一种专业的物流服务提供商,主要负责货物的运输、仓储、报关等环节。:As a forwarder, we help our clients to transport their goods to different countries.(作为一家forwarder,我们帮助客户将货物运送到不同的。)

2.forwarder的读音为[fɔːrwədər],其中[ɔː]发音类似于汉语拼音中的“o”,[w]发音类似于汉语拼音中的“w”,[ə]发音类似于汉语拼音中的“e”。:The forwarder is responsible for the transportation of goods.(forwarder负责货物运输。)

3.forwarder主要用于国际贸易领域,其主要作用是协调和管理货物运输过程中的各个环节,以确保货物顺利到达目的地。:The forwarder helped us to clear the customs and deliver the goods on time.(forwarder帮助我们顺利清关并按时交付货物。)

例句1:We hired a forwarder to handle the logistics of our international trade.(我们雇用了一家forwarder来处理我们国际贸易的物流事务。)

例句2:The forwarder will arrange for the shipment of your goods from China to Europe.(forwarder将安排您从运送货物到欧洲。)

例句3:As a forwarder, we have established a strong network of partners to ensure the smooth transportation of goods.(作为一家forwarder,我们建立了强大的合作伙伴网络,以确保货物的顺利运输。)

例句4:The forwarder helped us to negotiate with the customs and reduce the clearance time for our goods.(forwarder帮助我们与海关协商,缩短了货物的通关时间。)

例句5:The forwarder provided us with a detailed shipping schedule and kept us updated on the status of our goods.(forwarder为我们提供了详细的船期表,并及时更新我们货物的状态。)

4.forwarder可以与其他词汇组合使用,:freight forwarder(货运代理商)、air freight forwarder(空运代理商)、ocean freight forwarder(海运代理商)等。:We work closely with our air freight forwarders to provide efficient transportation services for our clients.(我们与空运代理商密切合作,为客户提供高效的运输服务。)

5.forwarder在中文中也可以翻译为“货代”或“货运代理商”。:The forwarder helped us to handle all the necessary documents for customs clearance.(forwarder帮助我们处理所有海关清关所需的文件。)

6.总之,forwarder是一种专业的物流服务提供商,在国际贸易中起着重要的作用,帮助客户协调和管理货物运输过程中的各个环节,以确保货物顺利到达目的地。其主要作用包括货物运输、仓储、报关等。同时,forwarder也可以与其他词汇组合使用,如freight forwarder、air freight forwarder等。


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