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stand - stands是什么意思

一:stand - stands是什么意思的意思:

stand - stands是一个英文单词,表示“站立”、“站着”、“坐立”、“摆放”等含义。它可以作为动词或名词使用,常用于日常生活和商务场景中。

stand - stands是什么意思




1. 作为动词时,stand通常表示“站立”、“站着”的意思。:

- He stands in front of the mirror, combing his hair.(他站在镜子前梳头。)

- The soldiers stood at attention when the general entered the room.(将进入房间时,士们立正。)

2. 作为名词时,stand通常表示“摊位”、“货摊”的意思。:

- I bought this book at a stand on the street.(我在街上一个摊位上买了这本书。)

- The farmers set up a stand to sell their fresh fruits and vegetables.(农民们搭起了一个货摊来卖新鲜水果和蔬菜。)

3. stand还可以表示“忍受”、“容忍”的意思。:

- I can't stand his bad temper.(我受不了他的坏脾气。)

- I can't stand the noise anymore.(我再也无法忍受这噪音了。)

4. stand还可以表示“持久”、“持续”的意思。:

- The company has been in business for over 50 years and is still going strong.(这家公司已经经营了50多年,仍然很强大。)

- His record stood for 10 years before it was broken.(他的记录保持了10年之后才被打破。)

5. stand还可以表示“”、“支持”的意思。:

- I stand for justice and equality for all.(我主张为所有人争取公正和平等。)

- The union stands with the workers in their fight for better working conditions.(工会支持工人们为改善工作条件而斗争。)


1. He stands by his decision to quit his job and travel around the world.


2. The statue of liberty stands tall as a symbol of freedom and democracy.


3. Please stand up and introduce yourself to the class.


4. The old man's house stands alone on of the hill.


5. The company's reputation stands on its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.



1. stand可以替换为stand up,表示“站起来”、“起立”。:

- He stood up and gave a speech.(他站起来发表了演讲。)

- Can you stand up and let me pass?(你能站起来让我过去吗?)

2. stand还可以替换为endure,表示“忍受”、“容忍”。:

- I can't endure his bad behavior anymore.(我再也无法忍受他的坏行为了。)

- She endured the pain with a smile on her face.(她含笑忍受着疼痛。)

3. stand也可以替换为last,表示“持久”、“持续”。:

- How long will this battery last?(这个电池能持续多久?)

- The effects of the medicine will not last long.(药物的效果不会持续很久。)

4. stand还可以替换为represent,表示“”、“支持”。:

- I represent my country in international conferences.(我我的参加国际。)

- The union represents the workers' interests in negotiations with the company.(工会在与公司谈判时工人们的利益。)


stand - stands是一个常用的英文单词,表示“站立”、“摆放”等含义。它可以作为动词或名词使用,常用于日常生活和商务场景中。除了基本的意思外,它还有“忍受”、“持久”、“”等引申义,可以根据具体语境灵活运用。为了更好地掌握该单词的用法,建议多阅读英文文章,并尝试使用它来表达自己的想法。


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