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Stallman I have nothing against that.是什么意思

Stallman I have nothing against that. 是什么意思是一个英文短语,其含义为“斯托曼我对此没有任何反对”。这句话的主要含义是表示对某件事情或某个观点持中立态度,没有任何偏见或偏向。该短语常用于表达个人的观点或态度。


Stallman [ˈstɔːlmən]

I [aɪ]

have [hæv]

Stallman I have nothing against that.是什么意思

nothing [ˈnʌθɪŋ]

against [əˈɡenst]

that [ðæt]


Stallman I have nothing against that. 可以作为一个完整的句子使用,也可以作为一个独立的短语出现在句子中。它通常用于表达个人的态度、观点或看法,也可以用于回应他人提出的建议、意见或观点。


1. I have nothing against that idea, but I think we should consider other options as well.(我对这个想法没有任何反对,但我认为我们应该考虑其他选项。)

2. He may not be the most popular candidate, but personally, I have nothing against him.(他可能不是最受欢迎的候选人,但就我个人而言,我对他没有任何偏见。)

3. She has nothing against trying new things and exploring different cultures.(她对尝试新事物和探索不同的文化没有任何偏见。)

4. The teacher has nothing against students asking questions in class.(老师不反对学生在课堂上提问。)

5. I have nothing against your opinion, but I still stand by my own beliefs.(我对你的观点没有任何反对,但我仍然坚持我的信仰。)


1. I have no objection to that.

2. I have no problem with that.

3. I have no issue with that.

4. I have no qualms about that.

5. I have no reservations about that.

这些短语都可以替换Stallman I have nothing against that. 进行表达,意思相近,都表示对某件事情或某个观点没有任何反对或偏见。


Stallman I have nothing against that. 是一个常用于表达个人态度、观点或看法的英文短语,意为“斯托曼我对此没有任何反对”。它可以作为一个完整的句子使用,也可以作为一个独立的短语出现在句子中。除了表示中立态度外,它还可以用于回应他人提出的建议、意见或观点。同义词包括I have no objection to that, I have no problem with that等。使用时需要注意上下文语境,避免产生歧义。


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