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1. gentleness的含义和用法的解释


2. gentleness的含义和用法读音读法


3. gentleness的含义和用法的用例

例句1:Her gentleness and kindness made her a beloved figure in the community.


例句2:The gentle breeze brought a sense of peace and calm to the garden.


例句3:He spoke with such gentleness that even his critics couldn't help but be moved by his words.


例句4:The mother's gentleness and patience helped her child overcome his fear of the dark.


例句5:The horse was known for its gentleness and was often used as a therapy animal for children with special needs.


4. gentleness的含义和用法组词

- gentle (形容词):温和的,柔和的

- gently (副词):温柔地,轻轻地

- gentlewoman (名词):贵妇人,淑女

- gentility (名词):文雅,绅士风度

- genteel (形容词):有教养的,彬彬有礼的

5. gentleness的含义和用法的中英文对照

| 英文 | 中文 |

| --- | --- |

| gentleness | 温柔、柔和 |

| gentle | 温和、柔和 |

| gently | 温柔地、轻轻地 |

| gentlewoman | 贵妇人、淑女 |

| gentility | 文雅、绅士风度 |

| genteel | 有教养的、彬彬有礼的 |



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