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Sounds interesting.是什麼意思

释义:Sounds interesting.是一个英语短语,意思是听起来很有趣或者有吸引力。

怎么读:[ˈsaʊndz ˈɪntrəstɪŋ]

Sounds interesting.是什麼意思



1. Sounds interesting. Tell me more about it.


2. We're planning a trip to the mountains next month. Would you like to join us?

Sounds interesting. I'll check my schedule and let you know.


3. A: Have you ever tried bungee jumping?

B: No, but it sounds interesting.



4. The new movie that just came out sounds really interesting. I can't wait to see it.


5. A: I'm thinking about taking a cooking class.

B: Sounds interesting! I've always wanted to learn how to cook.




1. Sounds intriguing.(听起来很有趣)

2. Sounds fascinating.(听起来很迷人)

3. Sounds captivating.(听起来很吸引人)

4. Sounds alluring.(听起来很诱人)

5. Sounds appealing.(听起来很吸引人)

编辑总结:Sounds interesting.是一个常用的英语短语,可以用于回应他人的话题或者提议。它的意思是感兴趣或者好奇,可以用在正式或者非正式的场合,多数情况下用于口语交流中。它还有许多同义词,可以根据不同的语境选择使用。


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