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【读音】[ˈsnəʊ ˈlepəd]



1. The snow-leopard is a highly endangered species due to habitat loss and poaching.(雪豹是一种极度濒危的物种,原因是栖息地损失和偷猎。)


2. I was lucky enough to see a snow-leopard in the wild during my trip to the Himalayas.(我在喜马拉雅山旅行时很幸运地看到了一只雪豹。)

3. The zoo recently welcomed a new snow-leopard cub, bringing the total number of snow-leopards in captivity to six.(动物园最近迎来了一只新的雪豹幼崽,使得园内被圈养的雪豹总数达到六只。)

4. The elusive nature of the snow-leopard makes it difficult for researchers to study their behavior in the wild.(雪豹难以捕捉的特性使得研究者很难在野外研究它们的行为。)

5. The snow-leopard is known for its incredible agility and strength, which allows it to hunt prey in the harsh mountain terrain.(雪豹以其惊人的敏捷和力量而闻名,这使得它能够在恶劣的山地地形中捕食猎物。)


1. Panthera uncia:这是雪豹的学名,也可以用来代替snow-leopard。

2. Ounce:这是雪豹的旧称,现已不常使用。

3. G of the mountains:这是雪豹的别称,指其难以被和捕捉的特性。




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