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1. extend是动词,意为延长、扩展,发音为/ɪkˈstend/。

2. extend的读音为ik-stend,重音在第一音节。

3. 例句1:We need to extend the deadline for this project.

4. 例句2:The company plans to extend its business into new markets.

5. 例句3:The bridge was extended to connect the two cities.

6. 例句4:I will extend my stay in Europe for another week.

7. 例句5:The teacher extended her hand to help the student up.

8. 组词:extension(名词,延长、扩展)、extended(形容词,延长的、扩展的)、extensible(形容词,可伸缩的)、extender(名词,延长器、扩展器)。

9. 中英文对照:

extend - 延长、扩展

correctly - 正确地

pronunciation - 发音

extend - 延长、扩展

correctly - 正确地

pronounced - 发音



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