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1. economy的定义是什么?economy在经济学中的含义是指一个或地区的生产、分配和消费资源的方式和规律。它涉及到一个或地区的货币、商品、劳动力和资本等方面,以及它们之间的相互关系。经济学家通过研究经济现象和规律来理解和解决社会生产力发展和资源配置问题。

2. economy的定义是什么?economy在经济学中的含义读音读法为[iˈkɑnəmi]。

3. economy的定义是什么?economy在经济学中的含义的用例:

例句1:The government is implementing new policies to boost the economy.


例句2:The global economy has been greatly affected by the pandemic.


例句3:She studied economics in college and now works in the finance industry.


例句4:The country's economy is heavily reliant on its natural resources.


例句5:We need to find ways to balance economic growth with environmental protection.


4. economy的定义是什么?economy在经济学中的含义组词:

经济增长(economic growth)、经济发展(economic development)、经济(economic system)、经济(economic policy)、经济学家(economist)、宏观经济学(macroeconomics)、微观经济学(microeconomics)、市场经济(market economy)、计划经济(planned economy)、国民生产总值(gross domestic product,GDP)。

5. economy的定义是什么?economy在经济学中的含义的中英文对照:

- 经济定义:指一个或地区的生产、分配和消费资源的方式和规律。

- Economy definition: refers to the way and laws of production, distribution and consumption of resources in a country or region.

- 经济学:研究生产、分配和消费资源的方式和规律,以及解决社会生产力发展和资源配置问题的社会科学。

- Economics: the social science that studies the way and laws of production, distribution and consumption of resources, as well as the solutions to social productivity development and resource allocation issues.

- 货币:作为交换媒介和价值尺度使用的可流通资金。

- Currency: a circulating medium of exchange and measure of value.

- 商品:用于满足人们需求或欲望,并能被交换或使用的物品或服务。

- Commodity: a good or service that is used to satisfy people's needs or desires and can be exchanged or used.

- 劳动力:一定时期内为生产服务而提供的人类劳动。

- Labor: human effort provided for production during a certain period of time.

- 资本:用于生产其他商品或服务的物质或非物质资产。

- Capital: material or non-material assets used for the production of other goods or services.



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