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rotate的音标为 /ˈroʊteɪt/。


1. 作为动词:

a. 表示物体围绕某个中心点旋转或转动。

例句:The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.(地球每24小时绕着自身轴旋转一次。)

b. 表示交替、轮换。

例句:The workers rotate shifts every week.(工人每周轮流上班。)

c. 表示循环、循环使用。

例句:We rotate our staff to different departments every month.(我们每月将员工轮换到不同的部门工作。)

2. 作为名词:

a. 表示旋转或轮换。

例句:The tires on a car should be rotated regularly to ensure even wear and tear.(汽车的轮胎应该定期旋转,以保证均匀磨损。)

b. 表示周期性循环。

例句:The crops are planted in a three-year rotation to maintain soil fertility.(庄稼按照三年一轮换的周期种植,以保持土壤肥力。)


1. The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.(地球每24小时绕着自身轴旋转一次。)

2. The doctor advised the patient to rotate his neck gently to relieve the tension.(医生建议病人轻轻转动颈部,以缓解紧张感。)

3. The students rotate their seats every month to get to know different classmates.(学生们每月轮换座位,以认识不同的同学。)

4. The farmers rotate their crops to maintain soil fertility and prevent pests and diseases.(农民们轮作庄稼,以保持土壤肥力,并防止害虫和疾病。)

5. The employees in this company have a rotation system where they switch departments every year.(这家公司的员工有一个轮岗制度,每年都会调换部门。)


1. revolve:表示物体围绕某个中心点旋转或转动。

例句:The planets revolve around the sun in our solar system.(太阳系中的行星围绕太阳旋转。)

2. spin:表示快速旋转。

例句:The dancer spun gracefully on her toes.(舞者优雅地在脚尖旋转。)

3. alternate:表示交替、轮换。

例句:The students alternate between studying and playing sports after school.(学生们放学后轮流学习和进行体育活动。)

4. cycle:表示循环、循环使用。

例句:The washing machine has a cycle of wash, rinse, and spin.(洗衣机有洗涤、漂洗和脱水的循环。)


Rotate是一个常用的动词,它可以表示物体旋转、交替、轮换或循环使用。作为名词时,它还可以指旋转或轮换的过程或周期。除了常见的同义词外,还有一些相关的词汇,如rotate around(围绕)、rotate on(依靠)等。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换使用,以避免重复。


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