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Robinson Crusoe是什么意思


Robinson Crusoe是什么意思

怎么读:[ˈrɒbɪnsən ˈkruːsoʊ]

用法:Robinson Crusoe是一部经典的冒险小说,描写了一个男子在荒岛上生存的故事。通常用来指代那些被困在孤岛上的人,或者形容一个人在困境中勇敢地生存下来。

例句1:After the shipwreck, John felt like Robinson Crusoe, stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue.(船只遇难后,约翰感觉自己像罗宾逊漂流记里被困在无人荒岛上,毫无获救希望。)

例句2:The survival skills he learned from reading Robinson Crusoe helped him during his solo hiking trip in the mountains.(他从阅读罗宾逊漂流记中学到的生存技能,在他独自徒步旅行时派上了用场。)

例句3:Being stranded on a deserted island, she had to become her own Robinson Crusoe and figure out how to survive.(被困在无人荒岛上,她不得不变成自己的罗宾逊漂流记,想办法生存下来。)

例句4:The story of Robinson Crusoe has inspired many other survival stories and adventure novels.(罗宾逊漂流记的故事激发了许多其他的生存故事和冒险小说。)

例句5:As a child, she was fascinated by the adventures of Robinson Crusoe and dreamed of having her own adventure one day.(小时候,她对罗宾逊漂流记的冒险故事着迷,梦想着有一天能有自己的冒险经历。)


编辑总结:Robinson Crusoe这个词汇源于英国作家丹尼尔·笛福所著的同名小说,是一个非常具有象征意义的词汇。它不仅仅指代一个人在荒岛上生存的故事,更是象征着一个人在困境中坚持不懈、勇敢面对挑战并最终获得成功的。因此,在日常生活中也可以用来形容那些勇于面对困难、不屈不挠地追求自己目标的人。


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