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ranges的读音为 [reɪndʒɪz]。


1. 作为可数名词,ranges指的是一定范围内的事物或。:

- The price ranges from $10 to $50.(价格范围在10美元到50美元之间。)

- The temperature ranges from 20℃ to 30℃.(温度范围在20摄氏度到30摄氏度之间。)

2. 作为不可数名词,ranges指的是射程或距离。:

- The missile has a range of 500 kilometers.(这枚导弹射程为500公里。)

- The camera has a zoom range of 24mm to 70mm.(相机具有24毫米到70毫米的变焦范围。)

3. 在数学中,ranges也可以表示区间,常用于统计学和概率论中。:

- The data falls within the range of 0 to 100.(数据落在0到100之间。)

- The probability of winning is in the range of 0% to 100%.(获胜的概率在0%到100%之间。)


1. My job requires me to travel within a wide range of countries.(我的工作要求我在许多范围内旅行。)

2. The age range for this job is 25 to 35.(这份工作的年龄范围是25岁到35岁。)

3. The flight attendant demonstrated how to use the oxygen mask in case of a sudden drop in cabin pressure.(空中乘务员演示如何在机舱气压突然下降时使用氧气面罩。)

4. The temperature in this region ranges from 10℃ to 30℃ during summer.(这个地区夏季的温度在10摄氏度到30摄氏度之间。)

5. The price range for this dress is $50 to $100, depending on the size and color.(这件连衣裙的价格范围是50美元到100美元,取决于尺码和颜色。)


1. scope:指范围、领域或能力。

- The scope of his knowledge is quite impressive.(他的知识广度令人印象深刻。)

- This project falls within the scope of our expertise.(这个项目属于我们专业知识的范围内。)

2. extent:指程度或范围。

- We cannot predict the full extent of the damage caused by the hurricane.(我们无法预测飓风造成的全部损害程度。)

- The extent of his influence is remarkable.(他的影响力非常大。)

3. reach:指射程、距离或能力。

- The reach of the internet has greatly expanded in recent years.(互联网的覆盖范围近年来大幅扩展。)

- The company's products have reached markets all over the world.(该公司的产品已经进入全球市场。)

4. span:指时间、距离或横跨的范围。

- The bridge has a span of 500 meters.(这座桥梁的跨度为500米。)

- The movie spans over a period of 20 years.(这部电影跨越了20年的时间。)




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