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rack up是什么意思


怎么读(音标):[ræk ʌp]


rack up是什么意思


1. He has been working hard all year and has managed to rack up a lot of savings. (他一整年都很努力工作,成功积攒了很多储蓄。)

2. The company is hoping to rack up record profits this quarter. (公司希望本季度能够获得创纪录的利润。)

3. She racked up several awards for her outstanding performance in the film. (她因出色的表演而获得了几项奖项。)

4. The team has been racking up wins in every game this season. (这个赛季,这支球队在每场比赛中都取得了胜利。)

5. The students were racking up points in the spelling bee competition. (学生们在拼字比赛中不断积累分数。)


1. Accumulate: 意为“积累”,也可以表示“逐渐增加”。:He managed to accumulate a fortune over the years. (多年来他成功积攒了一笔财富。)

2. Amass: 意为“聚集”,也可以表示“大量收集”。:She has amassed a large collection of rare books. (她收集了大量珍稀书籍。)

3. Garner: 意为“获得”,也可以表示“收集”。:The team has garnered a lot of support from their fans. (这支球队从球迷那里获得了很多支持。)

4. Earn: 意为“赚取”,也可以表示“获得”。:She has earned a reputation as a talented artist. (她因才华横溢而声名远扬。)


rack up是一个常用的短语,通常用来表示累计或获得某种成就或收益。它可以用于各种场合,如工作、比赛、学习等,表达的含义都是相似的。在英语中,我们还可以使用一些同义词来替换rack up,以丰富语言表达。但需要注意的是,不同的场合和语境下,这些词的用法可能会有所不同。因此,在使用时需要根据具体情况选择最合适的词汇来表达自己想要表达的意思。


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