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put off是什么意思

一:put off是什么意思的意思

put off是一个多义词,主要有以下几种含义:

1. 推迟,延迟

put off是什么意思

2. 拖延,耽搁

3. 取消,放弃

4. 使不愉快,使厌恶


put off [pʊt ɔːf]


1. put off作为动词,可以表示推迟、拖延、取消等含义。常用于句子中的宾语位置。

- The meeting has been put off until next week. (被推迟到下周。)

- Don't put off doing your homework until the last minute. (不要拖延做作业到最后一刻。)

- I decided to put off my trip to Europe due to the pandemic. (由于的原因,我决定推迟去欧洲的旅行。)

2. put off还可以表示使某人感到不愉快、厌恶。常用于句子中的宾语位置。

- The smell of garbage really puts me off. (垃圾的气味让我非常反感。)

- His rude behavior really puts people off. (他粗鲁的行为让人们非常厌恶。)


1. The weather was so bad that we had to put off our picnic. (天气太糟糕了,我们不得不推迟野餐。)

2. Don't put off making a decision, we need to act now. (不要拖延做决定,我们需要立即行动。)

3. The concert was put off due to technical issues. (由于技术问题,音乐会被推迟了。)

4. The constant interruptions really put me off my work. (频繁的打扰让我无法专心工作。)

5. She was put off by his arrogant attitude. (她被他傲慢的态度所激怒。)


1. postpone:意为“推迟”,与put off含义相近,但它更正式一些。

2. delay:意为“延迟”,强调因某种原因而导致事情不能按时进行。

3. procrastinate:意为“拖延”,通常指因缺乏决断力而导致的拖延行为。

4. cancel:意为“取消”,与put off含义相反,表示原计划不再继续进行。

5. disgust:意为“厌恶”,强调某人对某事物感到极度厌恶。


put off是一个常用的多义词,在日常生活中经常会遇到。它既可以表示推迟、拖延、取消等含义,也可以表示使某人感到不愉快、厌恶。为了避免歧义,建议根据具体语境来理解其含义。同时,与其近义词的区别也需要注意。最后,我们要记住,在处理事情时不要拖延,以免造成不必要的麻烦。


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