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Private pension plans often do not pay off, and pensio


Private pension plans often do not pay off是指私人养老金计划通常无法得到回报,pensio指的是养老金。


Private pension plans often do not pay off [praɪvət ˈpenʃn plænz ˈɔfən dəu nɒt peɪ ɒf], and pensio [pənˈsiːəʊ]

Private pension plans often do not pay off, and pensio


Private pension plans often do not pay off这一短语通常用来描述私人养老金计划的情况,表示该计划可能无法给参与者带来预期的回报。而pensio这一词则可以用来指代任何形式的养老金,包括提供的养老金和私人提供的养老金。


1. Private pension plans often do not pay off as well as expected, leaving retirees with less income than they had planned for.


2. Many people rely on their private pension plans to support them in retirement, but these plans may not always pay off in the long run.


3. The company's decision to cut back on its contributions to employees' private pension plans has left many workers worried about their financial security in retirement.


4. Private pension plans often do not pay off as well as government-provided pensions, but they can still be a valuable source of income for retirees.


5. The recent economic downturn has caused many private pension plans to falter, leaving retirees with less income than they had planned for.



1. Retirement plan:指任何形式的旨在为退休后提供收入来源的计划。

例:Many people rely on their retirement plans to support them in their golden years.

2. Pension scheme:指由雇主提供给雇员的养老金计划。

例:The company's generous pension scheme is one of the main reasons employees stay with the company for so long.

3. Superannuation:指澳大利亚、新西兰和南非等提供给雇员的养老金制度。

例:The government's superannuation program aims to provide retirees with a comfortable standard of living.


Private pension plans often do not pay off这一短语指的是私人养老金计划通常无法给参与者带来预期的回报,而pensio则指代任何形式的养老金。在使用时,可以根据具体情况选择更加贴切的词语,如retirement plan、pension scheme或superannuation。退休人员应该谨慎选择私人养老金计划,并且要有备用计划以防止计划无法达到预期效果。


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