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post-adult growth是什么意思

意思:post-adult growth是指成年后的成长,特指成年人在生理、心理、社会等方面的发展和进步。

怎么读:[ˈpəʊst-ˈædʌlt ɡrəʊθ]


post-adult growth是什么意思


1. The post-adult growth of the athlete was remarkable, as he became stronger and faster after reaching his thirties.(这位运动员在达到三十岁后,身体更强壮、速度更快,成年后的成长令人瞩目。)

2. Many people believe that post-adult growth is not possible, but research has shown that adults can continue to develop and improve in various aspects of their lives.(许多人认为成年后的成长是不可能的,但研究表明,成年人可以在生活的各个方面继续发展和进步。)

3. The company provides opportunities for post-adult growth through training and education programs, allowing employees to improve their skills and advance in their careers.(该公司通过培训和教育计划为成年人提供成长的机会,使员工能够提升技能并在职业上取得进步。)

4. As a therapist, I have witnessed the post-adult growth of many of my clients, who have overcome their past traumas and developed into more confident and resilient individuals.(作为一名治疗师,我见证了许多客户的成年后成长,他们克服了过去的创伤,发展成为更自信、更有韧性的个体。)

5. Post-adult growth is not limited to physical or mental changes, it can also refer to personal growth in terms of relationships, spirituality, and overall well-being.(成年后的成长不仅限于身体或心理上的变化,它还可以指涉人际关系、层面和整体幸福感方面的个人发展。)

同义词及用法:post-adult development、adult growth、adult development都可以作为post-adult growth的同义词使用。

编辑总结:post-adult growth是一个描述成年人在各个方面发展和进步的术语,它强调了在人生旅程中不断学习和进步的重要性。它可以用来指代身体、心理和社会等方面的变化,并且可以通过培训、教育和其他机会来促进。作为一个积极向上的概念,它鼓励人们不断探索和发展自己,实现更好的自我。


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