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play on是什么意思

一:play on是什么意思的意思

play on是什么意思

play on是一个常用的英语短语,通常用来表示“继续玩耍”、“继续演奏”、“继续开玩笑”等含义。它也可以指“利用某事物或情况来取乐或嘲弄他人”。此外,play on还可以表示“把某事物当作乐趣或游戏来做”。


play on [pleɪ ɒn]


1. 表示“继续玩耍”、“继续演奏”、“继续开玩笑”

- The children were having so much fun playing on the beach.


- The band continued to play on despite the rain.


- He loves to play on words and make jokes.


2. 表示“利用某事物或情况来取乐或嘲弄他人”

- Don't play on other people's weaknesses.


- He always plays on my fears to get what he wants.


3. 表示“把某事物当作乐趣或游戏来做”

- She's not serious about her job, she just plays on it.



1. The comedian played on the audience's reactions to make his jokes even funnier.


2. The children played on the swings for hours without getting bored.


3. The politician used the current economic crisis to play on people's fears and gain more votes.


4. She always plays on her charm to get what she wants from others.


5. The band played on despite the technical difficulties, and the audience was amazed by their performance.



1. Carry on:与play on类似,表示“继续进行”、“继续做某事”。

- The meeting will carry on as scheduled.


- She decided to carry on with her studies despite the challenges.


2. Continue:与play on的含义相近,表示“继续”、“持续”。

- The rain continued throughout the day.


- He continued to play on his phone even during the meeting.


3. Joke around:与play on的含义类似,表示“开玩笑”、“嬉戏”。

- They were just joking around, don't take it seriously.


- He loves to joke around with his friends and family.



play on是一个常用的英语短语,它可以表示“继续玩耍”、“继续演奏”、“继续开玩笑”,也可以指“利用某事物或情况来取乐或嘲弄他人”,甚至可以表示“把某事物当作乐趣或游戏来做”。它与carry on、continue和joke around有着相似的含义,但又各有不同的用法。熟练掌握play on的用法,可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思,丰富语言表达。


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