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1. Pajamas(睡衣)的缩写形式。通常指睡衣或家居服。这是最常见的用法,在日常生活中经常可以见到。

2. Project(项目)的缩写形式。通常指某个具体的计划、任务或工程项目。

3. Private Jet(私人飞机)的缩写形式。通常指私人拥有并使用的飞机。

4. Poor Joke(差劲的笑话)的缩写形式。通常指无聊或无趣的玩笑。

5. Party Jumper(派对跳跃者)或Party Animal(派对动物)的简称。通常指喜欢参加派对、聚会并狂欢不停的人。



1. Pajamas:[pəˈdʒɑːməz]

2. Project:[ˈprɒdʒekt]

3. Private Jet:[ˈpraɪvət dʒet]

4. Poor Joke:[pʊər dʒəʊk]

5. Party Jumper/Party Animal:[ˈpɑːti ˈdʒʌmpər/ˈænɪməl]


1. PJ作为名词,通常指睡衣或家居服。:

- I like to wear my favorite PJ when I am at home.


- She bought a new set of silk PJs for her husband as a birthday gift.


2. PJ作为缩写形式,可以在句子中替代具体的项目、任务或工程。:

- Our team is currently working on a new PJ, and we hope to finish it by the end of this month.


- The company is looking for someone with experience in managing PJs to join our team.


3. PJ也可以用来形容某件事物或人无聊、无趣。:

- That movie was such a PJ, I almost fell asleep in the theater.


- Don't invite him to the party, he's such a PJ and always ruins the fun.


4. Party Jumper/Party Animal通常用来形容喜欢参加派对、聚会并且狂欢不停的人。:

- She is a real party animal, she can dance all night long.


- He's always the first one to arrive at the party and the last one to leave, such a party jumper.



1. She changed into her favorite PJs and snuggled up in bed with a book.


2. The company is planning to launch a new PJ next year, which will revolutionize the industry.


3. His sense of humor is so bad, every time he makes a joke it's just a PJ.


4. We were all surprised when our boss showed up at the party, we never knew he was such a party animal.


5. She's always the one organizing parties and events, she's a real party jumper.



1. Pajamas:sleepwear、nightclothes、nightwear

2. Project:assignment、task、venture

3. Private Jet:personal aircraft、chartered plane、corporate jet

4. Poor Joke:bad joke、lame joke、unfunny joke

5. Party Jumper/Party Animal:social butterfly、life of the party、partygoer




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