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1. emphasis的意思是强调,重点。

2. emphasis的意思是/ˈemfəsɪs/,读作[em-fuh-sis]。

3. emphasis的意思是强调或突出某一事物或观点。:

例句1:The teacher put a lot of emphasis on the importance of good behavior in class.


例句2:The company's new marketing strategy places great emphasis on social media platforms.


例句3:The article lacks emphasis on the negative effects of pollution on the environment.


例句4:The speaker's voice rose in emphasis as she made her final point.


例句5:In this painting, the artist has placed great emphasis on the use of light and shadow to create depth and dimension.


4. emphasis可以与其他词组合成复合词,如:

- emphasize (v.) 强调,着重

- emphatic (adj.) 强调的,坚决的

- emphatically (adv.) 强烈地,坚决地

- overemphasize (v.) 过分强调

- underemphasis (n.) 不够强调,轻视

5. emphasis的中文意思是“强调”,可以与其他词语搭配使用,如:

- 强调重要性:emphasize the importance of...

- 强调观点:emphasize a point/idea

- 强调差异:emphasize the difference between...

- 强调优点:emphasize the advantages of...

- 强调影响:emphasize the impact of...

6. 总结:emphasis的意思是强调或突出某一事物或观点。它可以用作名词和动词,与其他词语组合使用,表达不同的含义。在写作中,我们可以使用emphasis来加强某一观点或信息的重要性,让读者更加关注和理解。


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