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passages的音标为 [ˈpæsɪdʒɪz] ,其中重音在第一个音节上。



1. 作为名词使用时,passages可以表示一段文字或文章。:

- The book is divided into several passages.(这本书被分成几个段落。)

- I have highlighted the important passages in the text.(我在文本中标出了重要的部分。)

2. 也可以表示通道或过道,特别是指人们经常通过的地方。:

- The narrow passage was blocked by a fallen tree.(窄小的通道被一棵倒下的树木挡住了。)

- We walked through the dark passage and finally reached the castle.(我们穿过黑暗的通道,最终到达了城堡。)

3. 当passages作为动词使用时,常见搭配有pass through和pass across,表示“穿过、经历”。:

- The hikers passed through the dense forest to reach the mountain .(徒步旅行者穿过茂密的森林到达山顶。)

- The refugees had to pass across the dangerous border to seek safety.(难民们不得不穿越危险的边境寻求安全。)


1. The passage of time has faded the memories of that summer.(时间的流逝已经淡化了那个夏天的记忆。)

2. The narrow passage between the two buildings was barely enough for a car to pass through.(两栋建筑物之间狭窄的通道勉强能让一辆车通过。)

3. The teacher asked us to read the passage and answer the questions at the end.(老师要求我们阅读这段文字,并回答末尾的问题。)

4. The refugees had to pass through several checkpoints before they could reach safety.(难民们必须通过几个检查站才能到达安全地带。)

5. She passed across the crowded street, trying not to bump into anyone.(她穿过拥挤的街道,努力避免撞到任何人。)


1. passages 的同义词有 passageway、corridor、aisle 等,它们都可以表示“通道、过道”。:

- Please keep the aisles clear for emergency evacuation.(请保持过道畅通以备紧急撤离。)

2. 如果表示“文章、段落”,可以使用 article、paragraph、section 等。:

- The article covers a wide range of ics.(这篇文章涵盖了广泛的话题。)

- I have read the first paragraph of this book, but I haven't finished it yet.(我读了这本书的第一段,但还没有看完。)


Passages 是一个常用的英语单词,既可以作为名词表示“过道、通道、文章或段落”,也可以作为动词表示“通过、穿越”。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来描述文字或者路线,也可以用来指人们经常通过的地方。在写作中,我们可以灵活运用 pass through 和 pass across 这两个短语来表达穿越的含义。同时,我们还可以使用同义词来丰富表达方式,避免重复使用相同的单词。


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