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1. erudition是指对知识的广博和深刻的理解,是一种博学多才的素养。它来自于拉丁语“eruditio”,意为“教育”或“学术”。在词典中,erudition被定义为“广博的学识,博学”,也可以用来形容一个人具有广泛的知识和深刻的理解能力。

2. erudition的用法:

a. 他在历史、文学、哲学等领域都有着极其丰富的erudition。

b. 这本书展现了作者的深厚erudition,读起来非常有启发性。

c. 他通过不断地阅读和学习,提高自己的erudition水平。

3. erudition是什么意思?erudition的用法及例句读音读法:

英 [ˌerjuˈdɪʃn] 美 [ˌerjuˈdɪʃn]

4. erudition是什么意思?erudition的用法及例句用例:

1) His vast erudition made him the go-to person for any intellectual discussions.


2) The professor's lectures were filled with erudition and insights, leaving a lasting impression on his students.


3) Despite his lack of formal education, he possessed a natural erudition that impressed everyone around him.


4) The erudition displayed in her writing showed the depth of her knowledge and research.


5) His erudition extended beyond just academic subjects, as he was also well-versed in art, music, and philosophy.


5. erudition是什么意思?erudition的用法及例句组词:

1) profound erudition 深厚的博学

2) impressive erudition 令人印象深刻的博学

3) extensive erudition 广泛的知识

4) scholarly erudition 学者般的渊博知识

5) intellectual erudition 知识分子式的渊博

6. erudition是什么意思?erudition的用法及例句中英文对照:


英文:Erudition refers to the wide and profound understanding of knowledge, and is a sign of being well-educated and versatile.


英文:This book showcases the author's deep erudition, making it highly thought-provoking to read.


英文:He improves his erudition level by constantly reading and learning.


英文:Despite lacking formal education, he possessed a natural erudition that left a lasting impression on those around him.


英文:The erudition displayed in her writing shows the depth of her knowledge and research.



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