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over the edge是什么意思

一:over the edge是什么意思的意思

over the edge是一个英语短语,意为“超过极限”、“失控”或“崩溃”。它通常用来形容人或事物达到极限或无法的状态。


over the edge的读音为/ˈəʊvə ði ɛdʒ/,其中“edge”发音为/ɛdʒ/。

over the edge是什么意思


1. over the edge作为一个短语,通常用作形容词短语,放在名词前面修饰名词。:“He was on the verge of going over the edge.”(他快要崩溃了。)

2. over the edge也可以作为动词短语使用,表示某人或某物达到极限或无法的状态。:“The stress finally pushed her over the edge.”(压力最终让她失控了。)


1. She was so overwhelmed with work that she felt like she was on the verge of going over the edge.(她被工作压得喘不过气来,感觉自己快要失控了。)

2. The pressure from his boss pushed him over the edge and he quit his job.(老板给他施加的压力让他失去了,最终他选择了辞职。)

3. The stock market crash drove many investors over the edge.(股市崩盘让许多投资者崩溃。)

4. After weeks of non-s studying, she was on the brink of going over the edge.(经过数周的不间断学习,她快要到达极限了。)

5. He was already struggling with depression, and the loss of his job pushed him over the edge.(他已经在与抑郁症作斗争,而失业的打击让他彻底失控了。)


1. on the brink/verge/edge of something:意为“处于某事的边缘”,与over the edge的意思相似。

2. go off the deep end:意为“变得疯狂”或“失去理智”,也可以用来形容人或事物达到极限。

3. lose control:意为“失去”,与over the edge中的“edge”有一定的。

4. reach one's breaking point:意为“达到极限”,也可以用来形容人或事物无法再承受下去。

5. have a breakdown:意为“崩溃”,与over the edge中的“edge”有相似之处。


over the edge是一个常用的英语短语,它通常用来形容人或事物达到极限或无法的状态。它可以作为形容词或动词使用,与其他同义词如“on the brink/verge/edge of something”、“go off the deep end”、“lose control”等意思相近,但又有所不同。编辑建议,在使用过程中要注意上下文的语境,选择合适的表达方式。


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