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opportunity cost是什么意思

一:opportunity cost是什么意思的意思:

opportunity cost是指在做出某种决策时,放弃的最佳选择所带来的成本。换句话说,它是指为了选择某种行动或决策而放弃的其他可能性所造成的损失。


[ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti kɒst]

opportunity cost是什么意思


opportunity cost通常用于经济学和商业领域,用来衡量做出某种决策所带来的机会成本。它可以帮助人们更好地评估选择不同方案时所面临的权衡和取舍。除了经济学和商业领域,opportunity cost也可以应用于其他领域,如个人生活中的决策。


1. The opportunity cost of going to college is the potential income you could have earned if you had started working right after high school.(上大学的机会成本是你如果高中毕业后开始工作可能会赚到的潜在收入。)

2. When making a decision, it's important to consider not only the benefits, but also the opportunity costs.(在做出决定时,重要的是要考虑到不仅仅是收益,还要考虑到机会成本。)

3. The opportunity cost of buying a new car is the vacation you could have taken with that money.(买一辆新车的机会成本是你可以用那笔钱去度假。)

4. By choosing to work overtime, John missed out on the opportunity cost of spending time with his family.(约翰选择加班,错过了和家人在一起的机会成本。)

5. The opportunity cost of investing in stocks is the potential profit you could have made by investing in real estate instead.(投资股票的机会成本是你如果选择投资房地产可能会赚到的潜在利润。)


1. alternative cost:指放弃某种选择所带来的损失。

2. trade-off:指在做出决策时必须放弃某些东西以换取其他东西。

3. sacrifice:指为了实现某种目标而放弃其他可能性。

这些词汇都可以与opportunity cost互换使用,但是它们可能更多地强调放弃或牺牲的方面。


opportunity cost是一个经济学和商业领域常用的术语,它指在做出某种决策时所放弃的最佳选择所带来的损失。人们可以通过考虑机会成本来更好地评估不同方案之间的权衡和取舍。除了经济学和商业领域,opportunity cost也可以应用于其他领域,帮助人们做出更明智的决策。


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