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one of a kind是什么意思


one of a kind是什么意思

one of a kind是一个英语短语,意为“独一无二的”、“无与伦比的”。它通常用来形容某人或某物与众不同、独具特色,没有其他相似的事物或人存在。


[ˈwʌn əv ə kaɪnd]


作为形容词短语,one of a kind通常放在名词前面,用来修饰该名词。它也可以作为主语、宾语或表语使用。


1. She is one of a kind, with her unique sense of humor and infectious laughter.


2. This painting is truly one of a kind, I have never seen anything like it before.


3. He is definitely one of a kind, always willing to help others without expecting anything in return.


4. The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of a kind, a masterpiece of Mughal architecture.


5. This restaurant offers an experience that is truly one of a kind, with its fusion of different cuisines and unique atmosphere.



1. Unique:形容词,意为“独特的”、“与众不同的”,与one of a kind意思相近,但更常用于描述某人或某物具有独特性质或特征。

例句:Her unique style of painting has gained her international recognition.(她独特的绘画风格使她获得了国际认可。)

2. Unparalleled:形容词,意为“无与伦比的”、“空前未有的”,强调某人或某物在某方面超越其他所有事物。

例句:The beauty of this place is unparalleled, it takes my breath away every time I visit.(这个地方的美丽无与伦比,每次我来都会让我惊叹。)

3. Exceptional:形容词,意为“异常的”、“杰出的”,可以用来形容某人或某物具有非凡、出众之处。

例句:He has an exceptional talent for playing the piano, he could become a world-renowned musician one day.(他在弹钢琴方面有着非凡的天赋,有朝一日可能会成为举世闻名的音乐家。)

4. Incomparable:形容词,意为“无与伦比的”、“不可比较的”,强调某人或某物在某方面是独一无二的。

例句:The view from the of the mountain is incomparable, it's worth the long and tiring hike.(从山顶俯瞰的景色是无与伦比的,值得长途跋涉和劳累的爬山。)

5. Extraordinary:形容词,意为“非凡的”、“特别的”,可以用来形容某人或某物具有超出寻常的能力或品质。

例句:Her extraordinary courage and determination helped her overcome all obstacles and achieve her dreams.(她非凡的勇气和决心帮助她克服了所有障碍,实现了自己的梦想。)


one of a kind是一个常用于英语口语和文学作品中的短语,它可以用来形容任何与众不同、独一无二、无与伦比的人或事物。它在表达中往往带有赞美和钦佩之意,可以用来表达对某人或某物极高的评价。除了以上提到的同义词外,也可以使用其他类似含义的短语如one in a million、one of a kind、one and only等来表达相同的意思。作为一个网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要不断学习和积累各种短语和词汇,以便更准确地理解和使用英语表达。


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