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on the beach是什么意思

一:on the beach是什么意思的意思

on the beach是什么意思

on the beach是一个英语短语,意为“在海滩上”或“在海边”。它可以指一个人或物体处于海滩或海边的位置,也可以指在海滩上发生的活动或。


on the beach的音标为/ɒn ðə biːtʃ/。其中,on的发音为/ɒn/,表示“在……上”,the的发音为/ðə/,表示定冠词“the”的弱读,beach的发音为/biːtʃ/,表示“海滩”。


1. 在地点名词后面作状语,表示某人或物体处于海滩或海边的位置。

- We spent the whole afternoon on the beach, enjoying the sunshine and sea breeze.


- The children were playing happily on the beach, building sandcastles and collecting seashells.


2. 在介词短语中作宾语,表示某人或物体前往或停留在海滩。

- We decided to have a picnic on the beach this weekend.


- The couple walked hand in hand on the beach, enjoying the romantic sunset.


3. 作为动词短语,表示某人或物体被冲上或冲走到海滩。

- The waves were so strong that they almost washed me on the beach.


- The ship was wrecked and all its cargo was on the beach.


4. 在片语on the beach holiday中,表示度假地点为海滩。

- We are planning to go on a beach holiday next month.



1. We had a great time playing volleyball and sunbathing on the beach yesterday. (昨天我们在海滩上打排球、晒太阳玩得很开心。)

2. The hotel is located right on the beach, offering stunning views of the ocean. (这家酒店就在海滩边,可以欣赏到迷人的海景。)

3. I found a beautiful seashell while walking on the beach this morning. (今天早晨我在海滩散步时捡到一枚漂亮的贝壳。)

4. The beach was crowded with people swimming, surfing, and playing games. (海滩上挤满了游泳、冲浪和玩游戏的人。)

5. Let's have a barbecue on the beach tonight to celebrate your birthday! (今晚我们在海滩上烧烤,庆祝你的生日吧!)


1. at the beach:与on the beach意思相同,表示某人或物体处于海滩或海边的位置。

2. by the sea:表示某人或物体靠近大海。

3. seaside:指与海相关的地方,包括海滩、港口等。

4. coast:指陆地与大海相接的部分,也可以指沿海地区。

5. shore:指陆地与水域相接的边缘部分,也可以指沿岸地区。


on the beach是一个常用的英语短语,主要用来表示某人或物体处于海滩或海边的位置,也可以指在海滩上发生的活动或。它可以作为状语、介词短语或动词短语使用,在口语和书面语中都很常见。同时,它还有一些同义词可替换使用,如at the beach、by the sea等。如果你计划去度假或者想要描述在海边的情景,不妨使用on the beach这个短语来丰富你的表达。


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