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1. dispute是什么意思


2. dispute的用法和例句读音读法


- The two countries are in dispute over the border.

- 这两个就问题存在争议。

- They disputed the ownership of the land.

- 他们对这块土地的所有权发生了争论。

- The two sides are still disputing about the terms of the contract.

- 双方仍在就合同条款进行争论。

3. dispute的用法和例句的用例


- The students disputed the teacher's decision to cancel the field trip.

- 学生们对老师取消野外旅行的决定提出了异议。

- The siblings often dispute over who gets to use the computer first.

- 兄弟姐妹经常为谁先使用电脑而争吵。


- There has been a long-standing dispute between the two families over property rights.

- 这两个家族之间长期存在关于财产权的纠纷。

- The labor union is involved in a dispute with the company over wages and benefits.

- 工会与公司就工资和福利问题发生了争执。

4. dispute是什么意思,dispute的用法和例句组词

- dispute resolution (争议解决)

- land dispute (土地争议)

- legal dispute (法律纠纷)

- political dispute (争议)

- trade dispute (贸易争端)

5. dispute是什么意思,dispute的用法和例句的中英文对照

dispute - 争论、争执、争议


- The two sides are still disputing about the terms of the contract.

- 双方仍在就合同条款进行争论。

- The students disputed the teacher's decision to cancel the field trip.

- 学生们对老师取消野外旅行的决定提出了异议。

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结



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