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move on是什么意思

一:move on是什么意思的意思

move on是什么意思

move on是一个动词短语,意为“继续前进;继续进行;向前迈进”。它也可以表示“放弃过去;忘记过去;结束某件事情”。


英 [muːv ɒn] 美 [muːv ɑːn]


1. move on + to/towards/together with


- After resting for a while, we moved on to the next village.


- Let's move on towards our destination.


- They moved on together with their journey.


2. move on + from


- It's time for us to move on from this city.


- She finally decided to move on from her past relationship.


3. move on + with


- We need to move on with our plan.


- She moved on with her life after her husband's death.


4. move on + past


- It's time to move on past this mistake.


- The company needs to move on past its old business model.


5. move on + up


- He has been working hard to move on up in his career.


- The team needs to move on up in the rankings.



1. After the accident, it took him a while to move on from his injuries and start living a normal life again. (事故发生后,他花了一些时间才从伤痛中恢复过来,重新开始正常的生活。)

2. It's important for us to move on with our lives and not dwell in the past. (重要的是我们要继续生活,不要沉迷于过去。)

3. She decided to move on from her old job and pursue a new career path. (她决定放弃旧工作,追求新的职业道路。)

4. The company needs to move on past its outdated strategies and embrace new ones. (公司需要放弃过时的策略,拥抱新的策略。)

5. It's time for us to move on up and take our business to the next level. (是时候让我们向上提升,将我们的业务带到更高的水平。)


1. continue:与move on相似,都表示“继续进行”,但continue更强调持续性,而move on则更强调前进性。

2. progress:也可以表示“前进;进展”,但它更多指在某个方面取得进步或发展。

3. advance:也可以表示“前进;推进”,但它更多指向着某个目标或方向前进。

4. proceed:也可以表示“继续进行;前进”,但它更多指按照一定计划或顺序前进。

5. evolve:也可以表示“发展;演变”,但它更多指某个事物在时间中逐渐变化和发展。


move on是一个常用的动词短语,意为“继续前进;放弃过去”。它有着丰富的用法和搭配,可以表示不同的含义。在日常生活中,我们经常会使用到这个短语来表达自己的想法和行动。通过学习这个词组的用法,我们可以更加准确地表达自己的意思,丰富自己的语言表达能力。


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