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1. decline用法详解

作为名词时,decline常用于表达某种趋势或状态的下降或衰退。:The decline in sales has been a cause for concern for the company.(销售额的下降让公司感到担忧。)另外,它也可以表示健康状况的恶化。:His health has been in a steady decline since last year.(自去年以来,他的健康状况一直在稳步恶化。)

作为动词时,decline常用于表示拒绝某事物或提议。:She declined the invitation to the party.(她拒绝了参加派对的邀请。)此外,它也可以表示数量、质量等方面的下降。:The population of this town has declined by 10% in the past decade.(过去十年里,这个小镇的人口减少了10%。)

作为形容词时,decline通常用来描述某种状态或趋势,表示衰退的、下降的或拒绝的。:The company is facing a decline in profits.(公司面临着利润下降的局面。)另外,它也可以用来描述健康状况。:The doctor said that his health is in a serious decline.(医生说他的健康状况严重恶化。)

2. decline用法详解


3. decline用法详解


1) on the decline:在下降中

例句:The economy is on the decline due to the pandemic.(由于,经济正在下降。)

2) a sharp decline:急剧下降

例句:There has been a sharp decline in the number of tourists this year.(今年游客数量急剧下降。)

3) decline an offer:拒绝提议

例句:He declined the offer to work overseas.(他拒绝了出国工作的提议。)

4) in a state of decline:处于衰退状态

例句:The company is in a state of decline and needs to make changes to survive.(公司处于衰退状态,需要进行改变才能生存。)

5) declined rapidly:迅速下降

例句:The population of this town has declined rapidly in the past decade.(过去十年里,这个小镇的人口迅速下降。)

4. decline用法详解


1) decline in:在...方面下降

例句:There has been a decline in the quality of education in recent years.(近年来,教育质量有所下降。)

2) decline of:...的下降

例句:The decline of traditional industries has led to high unemployment rates.(传统产业的衰退导致了高失业率。)

3) gradual decline:渐渐下降

例句:The company experienced a gradual decline in profits over the years.(多年来,公司利润逐渐下降。)

4) economic decline:经济衰退

例句:The country is facing an economic decline due to political instability.(由于不稳定,该国正面临经济衰退。)

5) population decline:人口减少

例句:The government is concerned about the population decline in rural areas.(对农村地区的人口减少感到担忧。)

5. decline用法详解


1) on the decline 在下降中

2) a sharp decline 急剧下降

3) decline an offer 拒绝提议

4) in a state of decline 处于衰退状态

5) declined rapidly 迅速下降

6) decline in 在...方面下降

7) decline of ...的下降

8) gradual decline 渐渐下降

9) economic decline 经济衰退

10) population decline 人口减少

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结



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