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例句1:His managerial skills have greatly improved since he took over as the CEO.(自从他担任CEO以来,他的管理技巧大大提高了。)


His team praised his managerial style for its efficiency and effectiveness.(他的团队称赞他高效有效的管理风格。)

例句2:The company is looking for someone with strong managerial experience to fill the position of project manager.(公司正在寻找有着强大管理经验的人来担任项目经理职位。)

She was promoted to a higher managerial position after successfully leading a major project.(她在成功领导一项重大项目后被晋升到更高级别的管理职位。)

例句3:The new manager has a lot of potential, but lacks some key managerial skills.(新经理有很大潜力,但缺乏一些关键的管理技巧。)

The company offers training programs to help employees develop their managerial abilities.(公司提供培训计划来帮助员工发展他们的管理能力。)

例句4:Her work experience in different industries has given her a broad range of managerial knowledge and skills.(她在不同行业的工作经验为她提供了广泛的管理知识和技能。)

The company values employees who have both technical expertise and managerial capabilities.(公司重视既有技术专长又具备管理能力的员工。)

例句5:The new CEO has implemented a number of changes in the company's managerial structure.(新任CEO在公司的管理结构上实施了一些改变。)

The training program aims to equip participants with the necessary managerial tools and techniques.(培训计划旨在为参与者提供必要的管理工具和技巧。)

同义词及用法:management-related (与管理相关的), administrative (行政的), executive (高管的)

编辑总结:managerial是一个常用于形容名词,表示与管理相关的形容词,也可作为名词使用,指管理人员。它可以用来形容一个人具备的管理能力和技巧,也可以指与管理职位、结构等有关的事物。同义词包括management-related, administrative和executive,它们都可以用来表示与管理相关的事物或人员。


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