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1. donate是指将财物或者其他物品无偿地转让给他人或者组织,以帮助他人或者支持某项事业。

2. donate的读音为 /ˈdoʊneɪt/,读作“doh-nayt”,重音在第一音节。

3. 用例:

1. The wealthy businessman donated a large sum of money to the charity organization.


2. The company donated a portion of its profits to the local orphanage.


3. Many people are willing to donate their time and effort to help those in need.


4. The museum received a donation of rare artifacts from a generous collector.


5. She decided to donate her old clothes to the homeless shelter instead of throwing them away.


4. 组词:donation(n. 捐赠),donor(n. 捐赠者),donative(adj. 慷慨的),donatable(adj. 可捐赠的)

5. donate的中文意思为“捐赠”,与其近义词有contribute、give等。但是,donate与这些词不同的是,它强调的是无偿地给予,而不是交换或者回报。

6. 总结:donate是指将财物或者其他物品无偿地转让给他人或者组织,以帮助他人或者支持某项事业。它的读音为 /ˈdoʊneɪt/,读作“doh-nayt”。用例包括向慈善组织捐赠钱财、公司将部分利润捐赠给社会公益事业、个人愿意捐出时间和精力来帮助他人等。其近义词有contribute、give等。


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