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1. dispatch是什么意思?的解释


a. 派遣,派出:指派人员或物品去完成某项任务或到达某个地方。

:The manager dispatched his assistant to attend the meeting. (经理派遣他的助理参加。)

b. 急件,快件:指快递公司或邮局用于寄送急件的服务。

:I need to send this package by dispatch. (我需要通过急件寄送这个包裹。)

2. dispatch是什么意思?读音读法


3. dispatch是什么意思?的用例

a. The fire department received a dispatch about the building on fire.


b. The company has a special team that handles urgent dispatches.


c. We need to arrange the dispatch of these goods as soon as possible.


d. The courier arrived with the parcel just two hours after the dispatch.


e. The dispatch of troops to the border has caused tension between the two countries.


4. dispatch是什么意思?组词

a. dispatch center:调度中心

b. dispatch rider:急件送信员

c. emergency dispatch:紧急调度

d. police dispatch:指派

e. air dispatch:空运

5. dispatch是什么意思?的中英文对照


a. 派遣,派出:dispatch

b. 急件,快件:express delivery

通过以上的解释和例句,我们可以感受到dispatch这个词的两种不同含义。它既可以指派人员或物品去完成任务,也可以指快递公司或邮局提供的急件寄送服务。这个词的发音是/dɪˈspætʃ/,常用词组有dispatch center、emergency dispatch等。在使用时,要注意上下文语境,避免产生歧义。最后,我希望你能根据自己的情感来表达对这个词的理解和感受。


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