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loll about [around] on the grass是什么意思

一:loll about [around] on the grass是什么意思的意思

loll about [around] on the grass是什么意思

loll about [around] on the grass是一个常用的英语短语,它的意思是“在草地上懒洋洋地躺着或坐着”,通常指在草地上放松或休息,享受阳光和自然的美好。这个短语中的“about”和“around”都可以表示位置,因此可以互换使用。


loll /lɑːl/ about /əˈbaʊt/ around /əˈraʊnd/




1. The children spent the whole afternoon lolling about on the grass, enjoying the warm sunshine. 孩子们整个下午都在草地上懒洋洋地躺着,享受温暖的阳光。

2. After a long day of work, I like to loll around on the grass in my backyard and watch the clouds go by. 工作了一整天后,我喜欢在后院的草地上懒散地躺着,看着云朵慢慢移动。

3. The dog was lolling about on the grass, panting happily after chasing its favorite ball. 狗狗在草地上懒洋洋地躺着,追逐它最喜欢的球后喘着气,非常开心。

4. The couple spent their honeymoon lolling around on the grassy hills, enjoying the peaceful countryside. 这对夫妻在草坡上游玩度蜜月,享受宁静的乡村风光。

5. Instead of doing their homework, the teenagers were lolling about on the grass, chatting and laughing loudly. 青少年们没有做作业,而是在草地上懒洋洋地坐着,大声聊天和笑闹。


1. lounge about [around] on the grass:与loll相同,表示在草地上放松休息。

2. sprawl out [on] the grass:指某人身体舒展开来,在草地上四肢伸展或躺下。

3. laze [about] in/on the grass:指某人在草地上悠闲地休息或放松。

4. relax [on/in/under] the grass:与loll意思相近,指某人在草地上放松身心。

5. bask [in/on] the grass:指某人在草地上享受阳光或自然的美好。


loll about [around] on the grass是一个常用的动词短语,表示在草地上放松休息、游玩或无所事事。它可以用来形容人们在户外活动时放松身心的状态,也可以用来描述某人无所事事、游手好闲的状态。同义词包括lounge about [around] on the grass、sprawl out [on] the grass、laze [about] in/on the grass、relax [on/in/under] the grass和bask [in/on] the grass。使用该短语时,需要注意“about”和“around”的位置可以互换使用,但是“on”不能替换为“in”。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解并正确使用这个常用的英语短语。


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