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1.decoration是指用来装饰或美化某物的装饰品、摆设或装饰手法,也可以指特定场合或节日的装饰。:The decoration of the room was simple yet elegant.(房间的装饰简单而优雅。)

2.decoration通常用作名词,读音为[ˌdɛkəˈreɪʃən],有时也可以作为动词使用,读音为[ˌdɛkəˈreɪt]。:She decorated the Christmas tree with colorful lights and ornaments.(她用彩色灯和饰品装饰了圣诞树。)


例句1:The wedding venue was filled with beautiful decorations, creating a romantic atmosphere.(婚礼场地布满了美丽的装饰品,营造出浪漫的氛围。)

例句2:The restaurant's decoration is inspired by traditional Chinese elements, giving it an authentic feel.(这家餐厅的装饰灵感来源于传统元素,给人一种地道的感觉。)

例句3:She has a talent for interior decoration and her house is always beautifully arranged.(她有室内装潢方面的天赋,她家总是布置得非常漂亮。)

例句4:The holiday season is a time for festive decorations and cheerful celebrations.(假日季节是装饰喜庆和欢乐庆祝的时刻。)

例句5:The cake was not only delicious, but also had intricate sugar decorations on .(蛋糕不仅美味,顶部还有复杂的糖装饰。)


- interior decoration(室内装潢)

- wedding decoration(婚礼装饰)

- holiday decoration(节日装饰)

- Christmas decoration(圣诞装饰)

- table decoration(桌面装饰)

- room decoration(房间装饰)


- The room's decoration was simple yet elegant.(房间的装饰简单而优雅。)

- She has a talent for interior decoration.(她有室内装潢方面的天赋。)


1.decoration refers to the objects, arrangements or techniques used to decorate or beautify something, or the act of decorating for a specific occasion or holiday. For example: The decoration of the room was simple yet elegant.

2.decoration is usually used as a noun, pronounced [ˌdɛkəˈreɪʃən], but can also be used as a verb, pronounced [ˌdɛkəˈreɪt]. For example: She decorated the Christmas tree with colorful lights and ornaments.

3.there are many different uses for decoration, here are some common examples:

Example 1: The wedding venue was filled with beautiful decorations, creating a romantic atmosphere.

Example 2: The restaurant's decoration is inspired by traditional Chinese elements, giving it an authentic feel.

Example 3: She has a talent for interior decoration and her house is always beautifully arranged.

Example 4: The holiday season is a time for festive decorations and cheerful celebrations.

Example 5: The cake was not only delicious, but also had intricate sugar decorations on .

4.组词:decoration can be combined with other words to form various terms, such as:

- interior decoration

- wedding decoration

- holiday decoration

- Christmas decoration

- table decoration

- room decoration

5. the Chinese meaning of decoration is "装饰", commonly used as a noun to refer to objects or actions. For example:

- The room's decoration was simple yet elegant.

- She has a talent for interior decoration.


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