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1. disaffection的意思是不满,指对某个人、团体或制度的不满或失望。

2. disaffection的读音为/dɪsəˈfɛkʃ(ə)n/,读作“迪萨菲克舍恩”。

3. disaffection的用例:

- His constant criticism of the government is a clear sign of his disaffection with the current administration.


- The workers' strike was a result of their disaffection with the company's management.


- The students' disaffection towards their school's policies led to a protest.


- The country's economic crisis has caused widespread disaffection among its citizens.


- The party leader's speech failed to address the growing disaffection within the party.


4. disaffection可以与其他词组合成新词,如:

- political disaffection(上的不满)

- social disaffection(社会上的不满)

- widespread disaffection(普遍的不满)

- growing disaffection(日益增长的不满)

5. disaffection的中英文对照:

- 中文:不满,失望

- 英文:disaffection,dissatisfaction,disappointment

6. 总结:disaffection是指对某个人、团体或制度的不满或失望。它可以用来描述个人的情绪,也可以用来表示群体的情绪。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到各种各样的不满和失望,这些都可以用disaffection来表达。同时,它也可以与其他词组合成新词,增加其表达能力。通过学习disaffection这个词汇,我们可以更准确地表达自己的情绪和看法。


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